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Father Daughter Dance

February 28 | 6:00-9:00PM | At the Blue Valley Campus (143rd and metcalf)

Register Get directions

A night in the enchanted garden!

“The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.” Isaiah 58:11

Our prayer is that carving out time for this special evening will allow you as a father to reflect the light of Jesus into the heart and life of your family.

Enjoy an evening together among the flowers of the Enchanted Garden at Legacy’s annual Father Daughter Dance. This one-night event is perfectly tailored to provide a wonderful experience for you and your daughter. There will be a dinner buffet, chocolate fountain, professional photos, and live DJ.


$40/couple, $10 per additional daughter

Daughters 2 and under are FREE! 

Need Help? Contact Steph

Family Memory Work Challenge

Family Memory Work 2025 Memory Work Video Playlist


We are really excited about our 2025 Legacy Family Memory Work Challenge and are praying this has a huge impact on your families’ lives. Feel free to modify/shorten verses or add/subtract the adjacent verses to make more/less of a challenge. We would love for the WHOLE Family to do this together!

  • Memory Work Challenge:  One foundational memory verse for your child(ren) to focus on has been provided for every unit of our children’s ministry curriculum. For 4-5 weeks Legacy Preschool through 5th Grade children will be working on this chosen verse in their classrooms and at home.  Our hope is that at the end of 2025 whole families will have 12 verses committed to memory and hidden in their hearts.
  • How it Works: Legacy Kids will be receiving a card with a year of verses to keep in their Bibles, in the car or at home. You can find an electronic copy above. We will encourage kids to BUILD on top of their verses, not just memorize a verse. To encourage this, each campus will offer a fun Family Celebration at the end of the year!
  • Memory Challenge Prizes:  Everyone likes to be rewarded, especially kids! Each of our campuses will have a unique way to allow kids to earn prizes for their hard work of committing these verses to memory. Some rewards might be class parties/incentives, treasure box prizes and/or candy!


Tuesdays, beginning January 28 | 6:30 – 8:15pm | Blue Valley Campus | Cost: $10

Register for GriefShare

GriefShare is special weekly seminar and support group to help rebuild your life after losing a loved one; such as a family member or friend.

GriefShare begins Tuesday, January 28 and will meet for through April 15. You must be 18 and older to participate and no childcare is provided. The cost is $10 for resources.

Meeting Location:
Legacy Christian Church – Blue Valley
Office Conference Room
14301 Metcalf Ave
Overland Park, KS 66223

For more information, please contact Bryan Dunham ([email protected]) or David Sims (913-579-3535).

Griefshare Synopsis:

“This is by far, the hardest thing I have ever had to do since becoming a Christian. Oh, I have had troubles like we all do, but this is completely different. Nothing else comes close to this experience in terms of the level of personal pain and suffering.”

These are the words shared by fellow Christ-follower who suffered the recent unexpected death of a spouse. In response to the shattering reality of the loss of a loved one, Legacy Christian Church Blue Valley Campus will be offering a GriefShare small group dedicated to persons in our church and in our community who find themselves in this unwanted circumstance and would like to meet with others who are in the same situation and learn how to process and navigate this hard road together.

The GriefShare Program features biblical, Christ-centered teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The video teaching for the group will feature nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories of people, followed by a small group discussion facilitated by a trained Legacy volunteer. Past participants have related how helpful the information and follow-up discussions were to them.

Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or family have returned to their daily life routines. Too often people, including Christians, tend to stuff their grief instead of allowing it to do the God-given work for which it is intended. Don’t allow fear of what others may think to keep you from what could help you. Confidentiality is very much a part of this program. Your bereavement experience may be recent or not so recent. You will find encouragement, comfort and help in grieving the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, other family member, or friend.

No matter what the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn how to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and that you do not need to live in bondage to certain emotions. You will learn valuable information about facing your new normal in life and renewing your hope for the future. Even if you yourself have not suffered such a loss, please pray about sharing this information with others in your life who may benefit from participating in this group.

Posted in BV

Women’s Bible Studies – Olathe


Bible Study Options


Starting February 11

Remember This: A Work of Heart

Olathe Campus Room 116

Ladies! You’re invited to join us for a 10-week (11-session) study of the first 11 chapters of Deuteronomy.  

Discover Deuteronomy’s ancient wisdom and gain encouragement from the entire Canon of Scripture. Step into Deuteronomy and find your faith strengthened, your delight in the New Testament multiplied, and your heart responding to the charge to remember God’s ways and find your life reflecting God’s great work of heart.  

Please purchase your workbook prior to meeting. Workbooks can be purchased here.

Purchase remember this Questions For Tuesday? Contact Monica


Starting February 12


Heaven: When faith becomes sight

Olathe Campus – Room 116

Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.

Please purchase your own workbook.

Questions? Email Twila

Rooted in God’s Story

February 7&8 | At the Blue Valley Campus

Register for Rooted! Get Directions

A weekend with your girls!

Friday, February 7th  |  7:00-9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)
Saturday, February 8th  |  9:00-11:00am (Doors open at 8:45am)

Step back. Pause. Remember what the Lord has done. See His plan at work in His Word and in your life.  

Plan to join us this FREE two-day event, Rooted 2025- Rooted in God’s Story. We’ll gather together for our traditional Friday evening full of worship, teaching, friends and snacks. For those who want to join we are excited to add an additional morning full of workshops on Saturday. Saturday morning is a great opportunity for those who want to dig in a little deeper. Whether you’ve never opened God’s Word or you’ve walked with Him for years you’ll not want to miss this creative and dynamic telling of God’s Story. This is a perfect opportunity to invite a friend, neighbor or family member who needs to be encouraged regarding their place in God’s Story. You could even turn it into a little girls weekend “away.”

Rooted 2025 is adding a morning of optional workshops on Saturday, February 8th.  These 4 workshops will be offered with an opportunity to attend two of them. They are an opportunity to dig deeper into the Word and into the influence of the Word on your daily life. Whether God’s Story is new to you or you’ve walked with the Lord for years, we believe these workshops will offer something for everyone. 

Workshop A- Discipleship – The Parenting and Grandparenting Years – Panel Discussion
Workshop B- How to Study the Bible- Megan Fletcher
Workshop C- God’s Story Readies Our Hearts: A Glimpse into Deuteronomy – Monica Butler
Workshop D- God’s Faithfulness in YOUR Story- Kylee Stutheit

For more information, please contact Sherri Wilks ([email protected]).

Women’s Bible Studies – Blue Valley

Thursdays, Fridays or saturdays

Bible Study Options

The Book of John

Starting January 21  |  Tuesdays |  9:15-11:15am

Join for a time of connection, devotional, reflection, and prayer.  We will be going through The Gospel of John by Melissa Spoeltra. Any questions? Contact Pam Apple.

Register Contact Pam

Friday: Books of the Bible (ALL Method)

Fridays | 10:00am-Noon | Onsite & Zoom | Join Anytime

Please contact Becky Adam for more information or to receive the Zoom link!

Contact Becky

Study of Scripture: Books of the Bible (ALL Method)

Saturdays 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Zoom | Join anytime!

Contact Laura Elcock for more information and Zoom link.

Contact Laura

Higher Grounds

Saturdays 7:30-9:00am | Starbucks at Consentino’s Market (159th & Antioch)

Join for a time of connection, devotional, reflection, and prayer. Designed to be flexible so that you can attend as you are available. Any questions? Contact Julie Hoyler.

Contact Julie

Spring Volleyball League

Monday Evenings | At the Blue Valley Campus | 6:30-9:30pm Game Time

Register Now!

Spring Volleyball is here! The league will take place on Monday evenings at the Blue Valley Campus starting January 27. Games will be played in a best of 4 games to a score of 21. League play will be followed by a tournament to close out the season. Teams typically consist of 6 players (3 Male and 3 Females).

The cost is $10. You can pay online or bring cash/check to the first game. If you have questions feel free to reach out to Matt Willoughby!

Email Matt

Quiet Time with God

How Can I Spend More Time with God? 

10…9…5…3…2…1…Happy New Year! The New Year often brings around a time of reflection and thought. What was great about last year…what was maybe not so great. Whether you are a planner or a more spontaneous person, you can’t help but give some thought on what this new year could bring! It is a great time to set new goals, change some things, and re-open our minds to God’s new opportunities! Perhaps, this year you want to grow closer to God, spend more time in your Bible, and learn how to have a beneficial quiet time with God that grows your faith. 

What does “quiet time” mean and look like? 

Quiet Time is a phrase to define the time you are setting aside to spend with God. This could look different for each person, depending on what best fits their style of studying and learning. What is most important is your heart going into your time with God. We can see in Matthew 6:6 what God expects from us when we spend time with Him; He says “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you”. Most importantly, God is wanting to spend time with you to build a stronger relationship. Diving deeper into God’s word and truly knowing Him equips us to handle all the things of this world.  

One of the most important things you can do to begin having a regular quiet time with God is by making an appointment. We are busy people who are involved in a multitude of activities. Therefore, we have to make sure we schedule time for God because this is the most important thing we will do all day! For some people, getting up a touch earlier might be a possibility, or it could become a part of your nightly routine. It is important to find a time that you are present with God and have the ability to focus. If you need, pencil it into your calendar or set an alarm to be sure it happens. 

Finding a spot for your time with God that will aid in keeping distractions to a minimum is another thing to consider. Try to create a space that will be quiet and comfortable. Put your phone on silent or away to avoid being tempted by a notification. Keep any other tasks or things that might draw you away from your quiet time hidden or in a different location. To make sure you have success in a recurring and beneficial quiet time, have accountability. Find someone who cares about your spiritual health and growth to encourage you to keep your appointment with God. Let them know your plan of action and your goals for your quiet time. Having an appointment with God at the same time as your accountability partner is a great way to stay on track as well. 

Quiet Time Resources 

There is a wide variety of resources that can help you with your time with God. There are books, devotionals, interactive devotionals, journals, and much more that can be used. Once you have set up your appointment with God, it is useful to find a way that allows you to learn, study, grow, and connect with God. Every person is different, which is why there are so many resources to find something that works for you. Reading the Bible is a great place to start, and just making sure to get in the Word is fantastic! It could be advantageous to read a book or find a devotional that speaks to something you are walking through or something you want to improve on. Journaling has also been proven to be helpful. This could be about what you are learning, a verse that stood out to you, or your prayers. Journaling is a great study tool in helping you track your prayers and growth or remember what you learned while in your quiet time with God. 

For those of you who are imaginative and creative, there is another way to interact with God during your quiet time. This could be writing a poem about God, writing a letter to God, or even illustrating something that expresses your love and gratitude towards God and/or something you’ve learned.  

When planning out what your quiet time with God will look like, try to make some goals. What are some areas you would like to grow in? What do you want to know more about God? Do you want to read through the whole Bible? Do you want to memorize bible verses? It could be anything, as long as you come humbly to God to spend time with Him. 

There are a lot of benefits that come from having a time set aside for God. It is a great opportunity to come and know our Father so much more. The Bible equips us to share our faith, know the Word, know what we believe and why. James 4:8 tells us to draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Spending time with God makes us stronger and more confident in our faith. 

What are your goals this year to draw nearer to God? 

Parent Child Dedication

Sunday, March 9 | During worship services | All Campuses

Legacy partners with parents as they disciple the next generation! With a fully integrated family ministry, we strive to walk alongside of parents starting at the early stages of their child’s life! Parent-Child Dedication is a special day where Legacy celebrates parents who are publicly committing to raise up their children in the way of Jesus and His Church! 

During services on Sunday, parents and the child(ren) they are dedicating are honored in front of their Legacy campus! This special moment on Sunday morning is a reminder to parents and their church family that we will strive to partner with them as they disciple their kids.

Sign up to be part of Parent-Child Dedication today, let us know some details about your family, and we’ll create a slideshow about your child for the day of the ceremony! 

Registration closes Thursday, February 27. No submissions will be accepted after this date.

Select the campus you will be dedicating at to register!

Legacy Spring Ballet

Ages: 3 and up | Feb 10 – April 10 | Overland Park Campus | $55/8-week session

Register for Spring Ballet! Questions? Contact Raegan

Welcome to Legacy Ballet! We are excited for the spring session. Class sizes are limited. Mark your calendar now and jump on when registration opens (Friday, January 17 at 9:00 am) to reserve your spot.

The Dance Showcase will be Saturday April 12 at 2:00pm, 3:30pm, or 5:00pm.


  • Class Attire:
    No jewelry and no gum allowed.
    For girls: leotard, tights, and ballet shoes (please no bedtime slippers) with optional skirt, tutu, leg warmers.
    For boys: t-shirt, shorts or sweatpants and socks.
  • Inclement Weather Information:
    Legacy Ballet will follow the Shawnee Mission School District for both daytime and evening school/activity cancellations due to inclement weather.
  • DISCLAIMER: Legacy reserves the right to cancel the Spring Session (or individual classes) if enrollment is not adequate to cover the operational costs of ballet.

Monday Class:

  • Monday 9:00am (3-5 yrs)
  • Monday 10:00am (4-5 yrs)
  • Monday 11:00am (3-5 yrs) 
  • Monday 12:15pm (Kdg-8yo; homeschool)
  • Monday 1:00pm (9yrs and up; homeschool)
  • Monday 4:00pm (3-5 yrs)
  • Monday 5:00pm (4-6 yrs)
  • Monday 6:00pm (6-8 yrs)

Tuesday Class:

  • Tuesday 5:00pm (3-5 yrs) 
  • Tuesday 6:00pm (6-8 yrs)
  • Tuesday 7:00pm (9yrs & up) 

Thursday Classes:

  • Thursday 4:00pm (4-6yrs)
  • Thursday 5:00pm (3-5yrs)
  • Thursday 6:00pm (6-8yrs)