Family Memory Work Challenge

Family Memory Work 2025 Memory Work Video Playlist


We are really excited about our 2025 Legacy Family Memory Work Challenge and are praying this has a huge impact on your families’ lives. Feel free to modify/shorten verses or add/subtract the adjacent verses to make more/less of a challenge. We would love for the WHOLE Family to do this together!

  • Memory Work Challenge:  One foundational memory verse for your child(ren) to focus on has been provided for every unit of our children’s ministry curriculum. For 4-5 weeks Legacy Preschool through 5th Grade children will be working on this chosen verse in their classrooms and at home.  Our hope is that at the end of 2025 whole families will have 12 verses committed to memory and hidden in their hearts.
  • How it Works: Legacy Kids will be receiving a card with a year of verses to keep in their Bibles, in the car or at home. You can find an electronic copy above. We will encourage kids to BUILD on top of their verses, not just memorize a verse. To encourage this, each campus will offer a fun Family Celebration at the end of the year!
  • Memory Challenge Prizes:  Everyone likes to be rewarded, especially kids! Each of our campuses will have a unique way to allow kids to earn prizes for their hard work of committing these verses to memory. Some rewards might be class parties/incentives, treasure box prizes and/or candy!