Category Archives: ES

Night of Prayer

December 9 | 6:30pm | At Your Local Campus

Becoming people of prayer is an ongoing journey. Through prayer, God invites us to connect with Him and align our hearts with His. It is our hope that, together, we can draw near to God through the practice of prayer. When we gather at Night of Prayer, we desire PRACTICE, PRESENCE, & PEACE: 

  • PRACTICE a variety of prayer disciplines 
  • Seek to become more aware of God’s PRESENCE 
  • Experience His transforming PEACE 

This night is an opportunity to set aside distractions, engage deeply with God, and experience the power of prayer together. No matter where you are on your faith journey you are invited to join us for a transformative evening of prayer.

Primeros Pasos

Hay dos objetivos de la Clase de Primeros Pasos:

1. Claramente, para compartir el Evangelio e invitarlo, si aún no lo ha hecho, a expresar bíblicamente su fe en Jesús como Señor.

2. Compartir claramente lo que significa ser miembro de Legacy Christian Church e invitarlo aunirse a nosotros en esa relación de compromiso.

En esta clase:

Escuchar la historia de Legacy.
Compartir su historia.
Aprender de nuestras enseñanzas principales.
Escuchar el Evangelio o el mensaje de salvación.
Aprender sobre nuestra estructura y gobierno.
Tener la oportunidad de hacer preguntas.
Tener la oportunidad de convertirse en un miembro comprometido de Legacy.

¿Quieres saber más? Email Pastor Jimmy.

email pastor jimmy
Posted in ES

Rooted in God’s Story

February 7&8 | At the Blue Valley Campus

Register for Rooted! Get Directions

A weekend with your girls!

Friday, February 7th  |  7:00-9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)
Saturday, February 8th  |  9:00-11:00am (Doors open at 8:45am)

Step back. Pause. Remember what the Lord has done. See His plan at work in His Word and in your life.  

Plan to join us this FREE two-day event, Rooted 2025- Rooted in God’s Story. We’ll gather together for our traditional Friday evening full of worship, teaching, friends and snacks. For those who want to join we are excited to add an additional morning full of workshops on Saturday. Saturday morning is a great opportunity for those who want to dig in a little deeper. Whether you’ve never opened God’s Word or you’ve walked with Him for years you’ll not want to miss this creative and dynamic telling of God’s Story. This is a perfect opportunity to invite a friend, neighbor or family member who needs to be encouraged regarding their place in God’s Story. You could even turn it into a little girls weekend “away.”

Rooted 2025 is adding a morning of optional workshops on Saturday, February 8th.  These 4 workshops will be offered with an opportunity to attend two of them. They are an opportunity to dig deeper into the Word and into the influence of the Word on your daily life. Whether God’s Story is new to you or you’ve walked with the Lord for years, we believe these workshops will offer something for everyone. 

Workshop A- Panel: Discipleship – The Parenting and Grandparenting Years
Workshop B- How to Study the Bible- Megan Fletcher
Workshop C- A Deeper look into Deuteronomy- Monica Butler
Workshop D- God’s Faithfulness in YOUR Story- Kylee Stutheit

For more information, please contact Sherri Wilks ([email protected]).

The Blessing Tree

View Registry

‘Tis the season for blessings! Legacy is showing love to families and the surrounding community by providing gifts for Christmas! We are reaching out to the city’s schools, single parent homes, widows and even those who are just having a difficult year, to show the love of Jesus by meeting tangible needs!.

To Give a Blessing:

Blessing Trees will be at every campus during Advent season for you to view a registry of needs, select gifts to purchase, and bring back to bless others! You can also view a campus registry online! Here’s how it works:

  1. Take an ornament from the Blessing Tree at your local campus and scan the QR code to view a registry of needs. If you aren’t able to worship onsite, you can still participate and view the registry here!
  2. Select your campus in the online registry. Add the items you want to purchase to your list. Tap complete! You will receive a detailed confirmation email that contains a tag number and next steps.
  3. Purchase the gifts you selected. Attach the tag to the gift(s) you purchased and return them to your local campus.

Grupos De Vida

Me gustaría unirme a un grupo
Son grupos que se reúnen regularmente y se dedican al crecimiento espiritual en una comunidad bíblica. El término “compromiso” refleja el acuerdo entre Dios, su pueblo y las relaciones entre ambos. El deseo de Legacy es que las personas en cualquier etapa de su fe se conecten a un grupo de compromiso.
Cada grupo de compromiso se basa en tres elementos: Escuchar, Ver y Hacer. La esperanza de Legacy es que escuche una enseñanza bíblica sólida a través de los servicios de adoración, vea la Escritura mostrada a través de las relaciones y viva las Escrituras al servir juntos.

CÓMO CONECTARSE ¡Los grupos actualmente se reúnen EN LÍNEA y hay una gran oportunidad para que te conectes! Ser parte de un grupo de vida es importante, especialmente en momentos cuando todos practican la distancia social. Si aún no eres parte de un grupo de compromiso y te gustaría serlo, ¡háznoslo saber completando un formulario y el pastor se comunicará contigo! ¡También puedes buscar perfiles que se adecuen a tu edad y personalidad!. Grupos disponibles a continuación.

Posted in ES