Category Archives: ES

Estudio Bíblico de Mujeres

Estudio Bíblico de Mujeres | Martes | 6:45-8:15PM

Únete a nosotras para estudiar principios básicos de la feminidad bíblica de acuerdo al libro de Tito.

Nos reuniremos los días Martes desde el 14 de Enero al 11 de Marzo. 6:45-8:15PM

Sala 203

¡No te lo pierdas!

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Primeros Pasos

Hay dos objetivos de la Clase de Primeros Pasos:

1. Claramente, para compartir el Evangelio e invitarlo, si aún no lo ha hecho, a expresar bíblicamente su fe en Jesús como Señor.

2. Compartir claramente lo que significa ser miembro de Legacy Christian Church e invitarlo aunirse a nosotros en esa relación de compromiso.

En esta clase:

Escuchar la historia de Legacy.
Compartir su historia.
Aprender de nuestras enseñanzas principales.
Escuchar el Evangelio o el mensaje de salvación.
Aprender sobre nuestra estructura y gobierno.
Tener la oportunidad de hacer preguntas.
Tener la oportunidad de convertirse en un miembro comprometido de Legacy.

¿Quieres saber más? Email Pastor Jimmy.

email pastor jimmy
Posted in ES

Father Daughter Dance

February 28 | 6:00-9:00PM | At the Blue Valley Campus (143rd and metcalf)

Register Get directions

A night in the enchanted garden!

“The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.” Isaiah 58:11

Our prayer is that carving out time for this special evening will allow you as a father to reflect the light of Jesus into the heart and life of your family.

Enjoy an evening together among the flowers of the Enchanted Garden at Legacy’s annual Father Daughter Dance. This one-night event is perfectly tailored to provide a wonderful experience for you and your daughter. There will be a dinner buffet, chocolate fountain, professional photos, and live DJ.


$40/couple, $10 per additional daughter

Daughters 2 and under are FREE! 

Need Help? Contact Steph

Parent Child Dedication

Sunday, March 9 | During worship services | All Campuses

Legacy partners with parents as they disciple the next generation! With a fully integrated family ministry, we strive to walk alongside of parents starting at the early stages of their child’s life! Parent-Child Dedication is a special day where Legacy celebrates parents who are publicly committing to raise up their children in the way of Jesus and His Church! 

During services on Sunday, parents and the child(ren) they are dedicating are honored in front of their Legacy campus! This special moment on Sunday morning is a reminder to parents and their church family that we will strive to partner with them as they disciple their kids.

Sign up to be part of Parent-Child Dedication today, let us know some details about your family, and we’ll create a slideshow about your child for the day of the ceremony! 

Registration closes Thursday, February 27. No submissions will be accepted after this date.

Select the campus you will be dedicating at to register!

Legacy Spring Ballet

Ages: 3 and up | Feb 10 – April 10 | Overland Park Campus | $55/8-week session

Register for Spring Ballet! Questions? Contact Raegan

Welcome to Legacy Ballet! We are excited for the spring session. Class sizes are limited. Mark your calendar now and jump on when registration opens (Friday, January 17 at 9:00 am) to reserve your spot.

The Dance Showcase will be Saturday April 12 at 2:00pm, 3:30pm, or 5:00pm.


  • Class Attire:
    No jewelry and no gum allowed.
    For girls: leotard, tights, and ballet shoes (please no bedtime slippers) with optional skirt, tutu, leg warmers.
    For boys: t-shirt, shorts or sweatpants and socks.
  • Inclement Weather Information:
    Legacy Ballet will follow the Shawnee Mission School District for both daytime and evening school/activity cancellations due to inclement weather.
  • DISCLAIMER: Legacy reserves the right to cancel the Spring Session (or individual classes) if enrollment is not adequate to cover the operational costs of ballet.

Monday Class:

  • Monday 9:00am (3-5 yrs)
  • Monday 10:00am (4-5 yrs)
  • Monday 11:00am (3-5 yrs) 
  • Monday 12:15pm (Kdg-8yo; homeschool)
  • Monday 1:00pm (9yrs and up; homeschool)
  • Monday 4:00pm (3-5 yrs)
  • Monday 5:00pm (4-6 yrs)
  • Monday 6:00pm (6-8 yrs)

Tuesday Class:

  • Tuesday 5:00pm (3-5 yrs) 
  • Tuesday 6:00pm (6-8 yrs)
  • Tuesday 7:00pm (9yrs & up) 

Thursday Classes:

  • Thursday 4:00pm (4-6yrs)
  • Thursday 5:00pm (3-5yrs)

Grupos De Vida

Me gustaría unirme a un grupo
Son grupos que se reúnen regularmente y se dedican al crecimiento espiritual en una comunidad bíblica. El término “compromiso” refleja el acuerdo entre Dios, su pueblo y las relaciones entre ambos. El deseo de Legacy es que las personas en cualquier etapa de su fe se conecten a un grupo de compromiso.
Cada grupo de compromiso se basa en tres elementos: Escuchar, Ver y Hacer. La esperanza de Legacy es que escuche una enseñanza bíblica sólida a través de los servicios de adoración, vea la Escritura mostrada a través de las relaciones y viva las Escrituras al servir juntos.

CÓMO CONECTARSE ¡Los grupos actualmente se reúnen EN LÍNEA y hay una gran oportunidad para que te conectes! Ser parte de un grupo de vida es importante, especialmente en momentos cuando todos practican la distancia social. Si aún no eres parte de un grupo de compromiso y te gustaría serlo, ¡háznoslo saber completando un formulario y el pastor se comunicará contigo! ¡También puedes buscar perfiles que se adecuen a tu edad y personalidad!. Grupos disponibles a continuación.

Posted in ES