Gift of Service (Helps) (1 Corinthians 12:28, Romans 12:7)
This gift is the ability to unselfishly meet the needs of other people through practical service. It may be either ministering to the person himself or doing things to enable him to be free to do other ministries.
- This is the behind-the-scenes worker who loves to help in needed ways.
- Sometimes you feel guilty or envious because you do not have one of the more “obvious” or “visible” gifts that others seem to possess.
- This is one of the more important gifts and often the least practiced. Without it, all other gifts must perform functions out of their own gift mix, inhibiting their effectiveness. Therefore, people with the gift of service free others to use their own gifts.
- We all should exemplify this gift as characterized by Christ. But a person who truly has this gift personifies it to the extreme and is recharged by exercising it.
Biblical Examples:
- Acts 6 — Men relieved Apostles of work
- Acts 13:5 — John Mark helped Paul and Barnabas
- II Timothy 4:11
- I Peter 5:13
- Acts 19:22 — Paul had two other helpers
- Romans 16:1-4 — Priscilla and Aquilla
- Colossians 4:12, 13 — Epaphras
Possible Characteristics of this Gift:
- You have an uncanny ability to see needs.
- You work by yourself or in small groups.
- You have a desire to help others.
- You do not need to receive public recognition for what you do.
- You enjoy doing “little things” that can help other people, i.e., cooking a meal, set-up/teardown for a meeting, repetitive tasks, etc.
- You do not enjoy handling major leadership or overseeing responsibilities.
- You enjoy doing things for someone else that enables them to use their gifts more fully.
- You do not have to ask what needs to be done; you can see needs.
- You have the ability to sense the temporal needs of others.
- In the church, you have a willingness to do jobs which will allow leadership gifts to be used in a fruitful way.
Common Support Gifts:
Mercy, Encouragement, Discernment, Administration
Possible Ministries:
- Tech Team (Broadcast Operator, Camera Operator, Video Switch Director)
- Creative Arts Team (Brainstorming Team, Video Creation and Editing, Graphic Design, Social Media Moderator, Drawing, Photography, Lighting Design, Stage Design, Floral Design, Painting, Building, Constructing, Script Writing)
- Facilities Volunteer Team (Baptistry Care, Building Maintenance, Grounds Beautification, Lights Out and Lock Down, Set Up and Tear Down)
- Guest Services (Safety Ministry Team, Finance Team, Food Service for Events and Special Programs)
- KIDS (Tech Team, Classroom Preparation Team, Curriculum Preparation Team)
- Online Church
- Missions (Local Missions Volunteer, Short Term Mission Trip Team, BRIDGES Missionary Care Team)
- Administrative Support (Office Assistant, Office Technology Assistant)
- Prayer Team
- Legacy Buddies (Special Needs Ministry)
- Student Ministries (Tech Team)
- Worship Arts (CG Operator, Sound Operator, Lighting Operator)